Extremely easy access from Interstate 10 in Redlands between San Bernardino and Palm Springs!
Find us, at 1410 Industrial Park Avenue in the Tri-City Center
Open 6 days a week!
Friends from Riverside, Los Angeles, Orange and Ventura Counties and beyond: Do you pass "routinely" through Redlands on your travels?
Make Us a “regular” stop!
We just made space for Easter Flags to replace those Valentine's Day Flags!
Here are a very few examples of our available Spring Decorative Flags!
Valentine's Day "Stuff" is now appearing on our seasonal display shelves!
Valentine's Day PopUp Greeting Cards are now available!
The current version of our DISCOUNT COUPON has been published in the newly reformatted issues (smaller magazine style, full color AND glossy!) of Coupons Monthly! Note: We ALWAYS honor our standard discounts even if you don't bring a physical Coupon in with you because we have a stack of the most recently published issues right inside our front door (FREE for you!). We don't need the remaining shreds if you tear out our coupon--but you can use all the other coupons inside each issue for deals all over town(s)! Also, our Coupons never expire!
Above are shown some awesome new Sea Dwellers were very recently added to our Ocean Habitat, having arrived in a previous shipment from Wild Republic that arrived just a few weeks ago...
With the arrival of ANOTHER shipment from Wild Republic on 7-2-24, we just got our hands on a Ray we've been hoping to restock in some form for a loooong time--and are happy to have added this particularly elegant version of an Eagle Ray to our Ocean Habitat!
We have had our eyes on this Cownose Ray for literally years because it is so unique looking, but we've always deferred to ordering more recognizable members of this group. We finally managed to get our hands on this species; it arrived in the most recent Wild Republic Shipment and can now be found along with a number of additional cool rays in our Ocean Habitat!
We actually remembered to add some medium-sized Emperor Penguins for our Ocean Habitat to the most recent Wild Republic shipment! We already had some slightly larger and fancier Emperor Penguins, but this one matches the 12" Cuddlekins Rock-Hopper and Black-footed Penguins, also from Wild Republic--and we will be needing at least one as our Antarctica representative for our "Animals from Every Continent" gift basket contribution to the Waldo prizes this year!
And now on to the Rain Forest Mammals just in from Wild republic...
These are all mini-Cuddlekin sized at about 6" tall.
We got several species of Monkeys, because they are hard to find in any size! This one is a White-faced Capuchin Monkey to fit in the palm of your hand. Well-detailed (and pretty cute!), at $15 it is a much more economical alternative, depending on your purpose, to the fabulously sculpted Capuchin from Hansa that is gorgeous, about twice the size, but retails for $54!
Another adorably sweet Wild Republic Rain Forest Monkeys is this mini-Squirrel Monkey! For a little 6" guy this version is remarkably well-detailed (at least 5 different colors/textures of fabrics), soft and with an admirable cuteness factor!
Is this not about the most engaging face you've seen on a little Monkey?
Adult Woolly Monkeys actually attain a good size, about 15lbs, in their South American Rain Forest habitats and have somewhat more mature looking faces, so we're assuming this little 6" plush version is modeled after a baby or juvenile. The dark brown main coat is correct for both males or females as are the grey appendages and light face with variations among subspecies. These monkeys are closely related to Spider Monkeys. We love how the designer put an elegant curl into this one's prehensile tail!
Oh look at the sweet little (6") new Rainforest Common Marmoset that just rode in with a back-order from Wild Republic! Not quite as elegantly depicted as the Pigmy Marmoset from Hansa, but adorably cute and at $15 a LOT less expensive than the $40 soft-sculpture Hansa version... We are still awaiting availability/arrival of some new Rainforest Snakes and at least one Parrot in this collection, so stay tuned!
We're not sure what inspired Wild Republic to produce in plush a few rather esoteric (as in, we've never heard of them...) mammal denizens of South and Central American Rain Forests, but this Paca is one of them! Turns out that it is a BIG (6th largest) rodent, at 20-30 inches long (in real life--this is a 6" mini-version), not quite as large as the giant guinea pig-like Capybara, but similar in appearance except for its fur being patterned with stripes and spots. The Paca, too, is a great swimmer, preferring to live near water where it can forage for plants and insects that compose its diet and can avoid predators by diving and staying submerged for up to 15 minutes! Should you happen to visit Belize, where Pacas are eaten by the people, you, like Queen Elizabeth ll might find yourself served a Paca entree...!
The marsupial Four-eyed Opossum, with a body length of of about 8.7 to 13.0 in. and tail length of 7.7 to 14.0 in. is found in primary, secondary and disturbed forests of Central and South America. Its common name derives from the distinct white spots above each actual eye that contrast sharply with the darker fur of its face. Interestingly marked, per Wikipedia, "Its prehensile tail is bicolored, with a pale distal part and a longer proximal darker gray part, and is naked at the end. Its dorsal fur is gray, while its ventral fur, throat, and cheeks are cream-colored" Also,"The four-eyed opossum does not 'play dead' like the North American Virginia opossum, but is known to be 'the fiercest fighter of the opossums', aggressive and willing to engage with potential predators" and "Four-eyed opossums build nests out of dry leaves in hollow trees, tree forks, fallen logs and in ground burrows. They roll up into a ball while sleeping and although their eyes are actually closed, the white patches of fur above their eyes gives them the appearance of an awake animal"!
Toxin-neutralizing proteins found in its blood serum render the Four-eyed Opossum immune to venomous snake bites and allow inclusion of such snakes in its omnivorous diet.
This cute 6" plush version is from Wild Republic and is part of their new Rain Forest animal collection!
We WISH Wild Republic--or anyone else, for that matter--would make a medium to large sized Ocelot with this much detail! Until that happens we'll have to content ourselves with this new (6") mini version just introduced as part of Wild Republic's new Rainforest Splendors Collection! (Pretty nice for a little guy...)
This one is a Spectacled Owl and is much larger in person, up to over 20" tall! It favors dense old-growth areas of tropical rainforests from from southern Mexico and Trinidad, through Central America, south to southern Brazil, Paraguay and northwestern Argentina. Since the larger Great-horned Owl, present in adjacent territories, seldom ventures into true rainforest areas, the Spectacled Owl s typically the largest and most dominant owl in its range.
This little plush gem represents the (male--females are more dull in coloration) Collared Trogon, a medium-sized (about 9.8 to 11.4 inches long) tropical bird found in Mexico, Central America and northern South America, inhabiting the region between the high understory and the lower tree canopy where it subsists on small fruits (e.g., berries) and invertebrates such as caterpillars, crickets, cicadas, beetles, and additional insects. The namesake "collar" is a distinctive white band that separates the green head and upper breast from the bright red belly!
At first glance the long beak and brilliant coloration of this mini-rendition of another rainforest Bird in Wild Republic's new collection might lead one to mistake it for a hummingbird. Indeed lots of hummingbirds can be found in Central and South America, but this unrelated bird is a little bigger in real life at 5.5 to 13.4 inches long and its beak is significantly heavier than that of a hummingbird. Rather than feeding on nectar members of the Jacamar family represented by this plush piece are instead aerial hunters of insects, especially favoring moths and butterflies. Their particular method of hunting is known as "hawking" during which the bird takes prey from mid-air in its beak after acquiring sight of it from a suitable perch. Unless the prey is tiny enough to swallow in flight, consumption usually occurs upon return to the same or different perch. Eighteen different species exist in the Jacamar family and members can be found in tropical Central and South America where they occupy low-altitude woodlands and forests, particularly of forest edge and canopy habitats.
Closely related, but not identical to the green parrots that have become naturalized in Redlands (same genus--and size, 13", different species, different markings: "ours" is Amazona viridigenalis, the "Red-crowned Parrot", originally endemic to northeastern Mexico), the Amazon Orange-winged Parrot, Amazona amazonica is likewise mostly green, but with blue and yellow accents on its face. Per Wikipedia, "it is a resident breeding bird in tropical South America, from. Columbia, Trinidad, and Tobago south to Peru, Bolivia and central Brazil. Its habitat is forest and semi-open country." Hardly visible when perching the referenced "orange" feathers flash in the wings and tail during flight!
No collection of Rainforest Birds would be complete without a Respendent Quetzal--and that would have to be in the form of the iridescent green male with the extra-long and elegant tail feathers! Members of the Trogan Family (but a "little" fancier than the Collared Trogan, also in this collection from Wild Republic), Quetzals inhabit tropical rainforsts, especially montane cloud forests of southern Mexico and Central America. Because of its exceptional appearance, per Wikipedia:
"The resplendent quetzal is of great importance to Guatemalan culture, being present in various legends and myths. It was considered divine and associated with Quetzalcoati, a feathered serpent and god of life, light, knowledge and the winds, by pre-Columbian Mesoamerican civilizations. Its scintillating green tail feathers, symbolizing spring plant sprouts, were venerated by the Aztec and Maya. The Maya also regarded the quetzal as representative of freedom. Mesoamerican rulers and some high ranked nobles wore diadems created from quetzal feathers, symbolically linking them to Quetzalcoatl. Since the killing of quetzals was forbidden under the Mayas and Aztec criminal law, the bird was merely seized, its prolonged tail feathers deplumed, and was set loose. In ancient Mayan culture, the quetzal feathers were considered so precious that they were even used as a medium of exchange. Thus the name of the Guatemala currency, the quetzal. In various Mesoamerican languages, the word quetzal can as well mean precious, sacred, or king, warrior, prince."
So, while we found a number of awesome plush pieces to add to several of our terrestrial Habitats, we went to Cabin Critters specifically for their amazing Sea Life. Not many of our manufacturers are up to the challenge of creating plush Fish, but this is an area in which Cabin Critters excels!
We now have a magnificent stuffed Barracuda to include in the Animal Cars raffle basket we will be preparing for the Youth Hope Car Show fund-raiser latter this summer... (ha!)
Another stunning realistic plush Fish from Cabin Critters is this impressive Blue Marlin!
This beautiful realistic version of a Dolphin from Cabin Critters was different enough from the others residing in our Sea Life Habitat, we had to add it to your possible choices! (Note the airbrush detailing...)
Another kind of Sea Life that Cabin Critters excels in producing wonderful examples in plush are Crabs. They do several and one of our faves is this impressive Dungeness Crab! We expect it to start side-stepping its way across the page at any moment!
This is Cabin Critters' lovely plush Squirrel who just joined our Forest Habitat Squirrel family! We elected to add him because of his unique color (NOT gray!)--and that bit of a sassy attitude!
We already have a couple of reasonable options for plush Beavers, but this one from Cabin Critters has quite a different "stance" from the others--and is of especially nice quality, so it's a no-brainer to add it to the Beaver population in our Forest Habitat!
There was a time when Cabin Critters was by default our go-to source for beautiful realistic plush waterfowl. They used to make a Canvas-Duck (uncommon, to say the least!) and a gorgeous Wood Duck, but those appear to have disappeared from their collection (permanently? temporarily?). However, we were happy to be able to score this handsome Canadian Goose to add to our collection and offer as a choice for you! Look for it in our Barnyard Habitat as Canadian Geese are at least half domesticated, spending a lot of their migratory time foraging in agricultural fields!
The 17" version of this beautiful Brown and white lying Appaloosa horse by Douglas was so popular, it is now offered in a 22" "incarnation" as well! Incredibly soft, with a brilliantly white muzzle and socks, to say nothing of the fancy multicolored mane and tail, this gorgeous rendition is indeed imposing! We have both sizes now!
How gorgeous is this NEW lying dapple-gray horse just in from Douglas? Lovely luxuriant multi-colored mane and tail detail AND a white muzzle and socks--all in supersoft plush!
It's been awhile since we added to the Horse Collection in our Stable, so we included a few newbies in our most recent order from Douglas (our premier plush horse supplier). We opted for the lying versions because they are far too melty-soft to stand without reinforcement--and the MOST huggable! This one is "Wrangler", a beautiful chestnut with white socks and blond mane and tail with caramel undertones! The box he is stretched out on is about 16" long, so a nice medium size (in case one of your Easter Basket recipients "needs" a new horse)!
Since we so love the whimsical Banana Slug we got from Douglas, we simply had to also have their somewhat stylized "Orchid Mantis"--inspired by a real insect!
We ALMOST forgot that the Chinese New Year welcomed earlier in February is the Year of the DRAGON!
Thankfully, although we already had a pretty good collection of plush Dragons, we remembered in time to add this beauty to our most recent Douglas shipment, just in case someone needs a RED Dragon to help celebrate!
NEW from Douglas just in!
It has been about 20 years since we had a respectable plush Doberman Pinscher to offer--and that one was a magnificent, almost life-sized seated version, also from Douglas, that was, to no one's surprise, purchased by a Doberman breeder! This new plush Dobie is not only gorgeously handsome, but rendered in that fabulous, ultra-soft DeLux fabric, knocking the hug-factor out of the park!
We get requests often enough for plush Butterflies (we've even searched for believable ones ourselves for our gift-with-purchase packages) and we've usually been disappointed with the available choices (too limp and floppy, too fantasmagorical, too fluffy, cutesy and/or silly, not great colors, etc.)--until now! New this year from Aurora is this not only gorgeous (yes, there is some shimmer going on with the wings!), but also good-sized (13" wingspan) AND poseable (the wing stiffening is just right!) Monarch Butterfly we are proud to display with other insects now abiding in our Fantasy Habitat (most are larger than life, at least). Such a nice piece that the sales rep said she wanted one, too!
One more addition to our Desert Habitat here! This almost-cute smallish (8") Tarantula is no where near as colorful as the Collared Lizard or Cactus pieces we also just added--but it surely is FURRY!
We just added some COLOR (GREEN, as a matter of fact!) to our Desert Habitat! We could not resist the NEW Collared Lizard just available from Folkmanis (this one is a Finger Puppet, as all Folkmanis pieces are puppets in some form!), especially given how hard it is to find plush Lizards of any persuasion! Since we "had to" restock those very popular little Cactus Palm Pals from Aurora, we invited this adorable Cactus "Fancy Pal" carrying a cute little Desert Fox inside along for the ride! These guys are brightening up our Desert Habitat--and are easy to find against this mainly beige environment!
Thanks to recent arrivals from both Folkmanis and Hansa we now have a "significant" selection (THREE whole versions!) of....SNAILS!
We love them all, but the Hansa design in front is our fave! (who else would lovingly render so detailed a "sculpture" in plush of such an ignominious, albeit interesting, creature?
We are starting 2024 with the introduction in our Shop of a whimsical group of new plush characters with a serious message!
This brand NEW series of cool critters from Wild Republic is now "living" just below our Sesame Street Collection! These are "Monsterkins", special creatures here to help clean up our environment by EATING our PLASTIC TRASH! Several different kinds exist, each specializing in its own particular environment to work on. This series has already been winning awards for its clever concept and designs.
To learn more visit:
Allow us to introduce our first individual Monsterkins, "Vish", along with his "profile!
And our next Monsterkins is... "MK" lover of landfills as a source of un-recycled plastic bottles to eat!
And heeeeeere's "Trash Foot", Monsterkin of Snow, Ice and Glacier clean-up!
This Monsterkin is "Muck", assigned to Ocean de-plasticizing all over the world!
Meet "Vinnie", Monsterkin steward of plastic clean-up in rivers, streams and forests!
And here is "Dusk", master of night-time Campground and Wilderness plastic clean-up!
And last, but certainly not least we have "Trashzilla" the Monsterkin who relentlessly combs through dumpsters and trash cans everywhere looking to eradicate those tossed water bottles!
We've had Hansa's representations of many wonderful Forest animals, including an array of beautiful kinds of Squirrels (many back in stock now), but we've never had their Muskrat! We figured it was about time...!
(Look for it in our Forest Habitat near the Raccoons and Beavers)!
In keeping with the silliness of that Snuggleluvs Bee from Wild Republic that we just added to our Fantasy area, we noticed that it seems that Douglas could not help themselves from creating a rather literal interpretation of our northern California coastal rain forest Banana Slug!
Apparently we could not resist the result, either!
With a few gaps needing to be filled in our Fantasy habitat, we took a look at some new Unicorns from Ganz--and found them awesome enough to join our collection! This sweet confection is the larger, multi-colored lightly tinted tie-died version, "Majestique" at 16" long and soft as a fluffy cloud!
Accompanying the large multi-hued Unicorn from Ganz were a couple of slightly smaller ones (at about 14" long)! While they may have "plain" solid fur (this is the soft dove-gray version), their bling factor is compensated by shiny metallic golden horn, hoof and ear detailing, along with lavish contrasting fluff for the mane and tail--and trimming each hoof! Fancy!
The other smaller Unicorn from Ganz is just as blingy, but in white with hot pink and shimmery gold trim! Totally lush!
Arrived this month direct from Australia: Quokkas!
We've had the larger (11") version on occasion, always selling them out, so since a smaller size (about 8" tall) has become available, we nabbed one of each this time around! These quirky-cute marsupials from Down-under are actually popular enough that we get requests for them by name--and given these designs , it's no great surprise they don't stay on our shelves for long!
We just added these two new Kangaroo-like characters just in from Bocchetta Plush to our Australian habitat!
The one on the left is a Pademelon(?!) and the one on the right is a Red-necked (they have red-necked residents in Australia, too?) or Bennett's Wallaby!
It SHOULD be easier to see all the plush Body Parts, Cells, Germs and Molecules in our newly redesigned and expanded Medical Area!
Recent additions from Folkmanis, the Puppet people:
This is Evergreen Enterprises' interpretation of an extremely sweet and cuddly (you won't believe the more-rich-than-cotton-candy softness of these pieces!) of a tan Labradoodle! Just look at that face--foofy lap-dog personified!
This is the NEW Pug from the new Evergreen Enterprises plush collection! Not a foofy texture, but a lush silky one for its fur, with a dark visage, turned up nose and just enough wrinkles and air-brushed accents to achieve the requisite worried pug expression! Oh--and that curled-up tail!
Here is the gorgeous and sweet new Siamese Cat from Evergreen Enterprise's NEW plush collection--the very definition of "silky" and beautifully marked as well! And those EYES!
This adorable Bichon Frise, back in stock from the Ganz Heritage Collection, is just as sweet as the reclining ones we have from Evergreen and Bocchetta, but posed entirely differently, just for fun--and by way of another choice!
This is the new Moose from Ganz's Heritage Collection! We can get several really nice examples of Moose, including a couple from Wild Republic and the Miyoni line from Aurora, but this one is unique in design from others we've seen, with interesting contrasts in colors and materials--and rather unusually designed "headgear" that is linked to its ears to provide stability. And, for a face many would contend only a mother moose could admire, this one has a pretty sweet expression!
We were looking to fill in some gaps in our Stable Habitat, so "invited" this gorgeous Miyoni Alpaca from Aurora to ride along with some newly arrived Fall/Halloween items! We just wish we could accurately describe how awesome-soft the "fur" on this piece is! Be thinking marshmallows ... or clouds... or dandelion fluff... or???
This little cutie-pie from Aurora's Miyoni Collection may be only 10 or 11 inches long (and considerably shorter!), but it is still loaded with Dachshund personality!
OK--so we already have Caffeine (and Chocolate) Molecules from Giant Microbes, but they simply could not resist this pairing: They made a nice Coffee Mug printed with an image of their Caffeine Molecule and the question. "Got Caffeine"? Stashed inside the carefully packaged boxed Mug is a clip-on size version of their plush Caffeine Molecule--just in case you "need" some... Now in stock for yourself or your favorite Coffee addict!
We have never even heard of a Yutyrannus dinosaur, let alone have a clue what it might have looked like! Clearly the designer who rendered this awesome plush version of same for Wild Republic's new Artist' series has a pretty good idea--or at least a great imagination! A truly gnarly piece for you plush dino collectors--this one is obviously special!
We CAN say we are familiar with Velociraptors, but this has to be one of the most impressive plush renditions of this dinosaur we have seen! New to the Artist's Collection of stuffed animals from Wild Republic, this version is highly detailed (if the fossil evidence even hints at the presence of feather-like appendages, most dino designers are trying to incorporate that information into their creations, so certainly not lacking here...) and nothing if not imposing! Another must-have for the discerning collector of dinosaurs done in plush!
We promised NEW "STUFF" would be coming in this week--and we didn't lie!
ALL of these Teddy Bears that came in those big boxes from First and Main have found their way onto the Teddy Bear shelves! Lots of old friends restocked. plus several newbies!
Even though these guys look like they possibly should belong in our Fantasy Habitat, we just received not just one, but two designs of realistic Axolotls from Aurora that now reside in our South American Rain Forest! One (top) is even a fancy Miyoni version, so especially well rendered--and BOTH definitely pass the cuteness quotient requirement!
OK--these two magical little charmers do definitely belong in and have found their way to our Fantasy Habitat! Fanciful standing Sparkle Dragons in pretty hues of aqua and blue, these two colors have never been available when we ordered their seated siblings in pink and in lavender, so we grabbed these when we saw that they were! Most certainly not in the scary category of dragons and more in the favor of princesses than warrior knights, either or both of these could become a little girl's best friend and confidant!
Oh LOOK what just arrived, back-ordered from LAST YEAR from Folkmanis (Puppets, of course)! An awesomely detailed "small" Chameleon has joined our African Habit (at least for a little while--the mini finger puppet versions are long-gone!) that is not made out of ridiculous tie-dyed fabric!
This stunning creature is Aurora's large (about 18" long front paws to tail tip), fancy Red Fox from their Miyoni Collection! Relatively new, it compares very favorably with the similarly sized D-Lux fabric Douglas version that sold out over Christmas! In fact, this one has a slightly different facial expression and is presented in a somewhat more natural counter-positioned lying pose. We'll circle back for additional Douglas foxes when next we order from them, but meanwhile we're loving having this Miyoni design as a great additional choice!
In case anyone wonders if, since we do have a pretty good collection of plush Cats, we might also have any Dogs, we can affirm that YES, we do! Here are "a few" of them!
And a few more Dogs...
Do we have any plush Cats to choose from?
Um...yeah, at least a couple. We don't know where to send you to find a better selecion--plush Cats with the right
"Cat-itude" are REALLY HARD to find!
Do we have a decent selection of Dinosaurs/Prehistoric Critters left after Christmas, you ask?
Given that we received NEW STOCK a week or so before Christmas, YES, we have a fabulous selection of Dinosaurs/Prehistoric Critters (including Pteranodons, Mosasaurs and Plesiosaurs, along with most of the usual suspects!) for you to choose from!
The Pig Collection in our Barnyard Habitat has been restocked! We're up to EIGHT different designs of plush Pigs, with the largest laying down solid pink and spotted versions being rendered in that awesome D-Lux fabric by Douglas! It's what gives them that extra-fluffy, eminently huggable nature!
We were not kidding (we never are) about stocking up for Christmas--which, of course also means we are now very well-stocked in general for 2023! Our Ocean Habitat has gotten special attention as a "few" sea life pieces were missing in action! One group that has plenty of recent additions is our Sea Turtle Collection, including that pillow-sized Melissa and Doug version taking up most of one shelf! Filling in the "gaps" around it (and spilling onto the the bottom shelf next door to the left) are a range of smaller sized turtles from Ganz, Wild Republic and Douglas, et. al. Soooo.....LOTS of Sea turtles to choose from into the new year!
Not a lot of our vendors are currently producing a variety of realistic Monkeys from any habitat, so we of course turned to Hansa who makes things like these small, but exquisitely detailed (and, not surprisingly, not inexpensive) New World Monkeys! Starting at the top of the image and moving clockwise we have a classic Squirrel Monkey adjacent to a completely charming little Titi Monkey. On the lower right sits an adorably fluffy tiny Pigmy Marmoset and the collection is rounded out by another classic, a Capuchin Monkey, looking a bit like a world-weary little old man! We are so impressed with not only the artistry and craftsmanship inbued in these pieces by the Hansa artisans, but also the distinctive character obvious for each lovingly rendered species!
It has been awhile since we have had Tropical Frogs in our South American Rain Forest Habitat and we are happy to welcome back an old friend from Wild Republic, The Red-eyed tree Frog! This time we also added a Citronella Poison Dart Frog just for fun and because we could!
Everything Hansa produces is basically fabulous in quality, attention to detail and realism of portrayal of any creature they make, but they excel especially in their depiction of birds in plush! We simply had to add some of Hansa's beautiful Parrots to our South American Rain Forest Habitat, if for no other reason than for what colorful accents they provide! Note the hand-drawn feathers and facial details on these little works of artistic sculpture!
No South American Rain Forest Habitat would be complete without Sloths--and our collection of Sloths (we do have several) would not be complete without this guy from Hansa, who is arguably one of the best plush versions available! Good-sized, sitting at about 13" tall and executed in remarkable detail, in case that sweet expression on its face is not enough, his entire head can turn--and he's even huggable!
Our South American Rain Forest Habitat has been repopulated for 2021!
We are very pleased to have what is probably our favorite plush Rattlesnake back in stock after a too-long absence! We love the beautifully printed scales on this version from Fiesta and how it is posed coiled and ready to strike! And, yes, there are rattles in that tail!
We found this handsome Desert Tortoise in the Wild Republic Catalog! Isn't he a handsome addition to our Desert Habitat?
These two awesome Armadillos, one from Douglas (left) and an interestingly posed one from Wild Republic (right) just joined our Desert Habitat. Can you see why we like to get the "same" plush animal from different suppliers? We love how every designer has their own take on any given creature--and we especially love bringing you choices!
This exquisite plush "sculpture" of a North American Gray Fox from Hansa just joined our Desert Habitat (It could just as easily have "lived" in our northern hemisphere Forest Habitat, but that one is already jammed with Red Foxes, including a BUNCH of NEW ones, and this one can be found in desert environs...). We are completely blown away by the subtle variations in colors and textures of this duskily well-camouflaged predator, to say nothing of that suitably sly expression on its face!
Although sparsely populated in nature, our Desert Habitat is newly refilled with an array of creatures adapted to live in its harsh environment!
Starting on Africa today (it's a BIG Habitat, so this could take awhile!) with a couple of just sweet little Elephants, both from Aurora! The standing one, covered with silky "hair", is just stiff enough to remain upright, but the laying one is "floppy", smooshy-soft, with lush velvety fur!
What African Habitat would be complete without a Dromedary Camel, an animal so historically crucial to travel and trade across especially the northern part of this continent? In truth, we often do not have camels represented in this collection because not all that many acceptable (at least to us!) plush versions even exist! However, this is currently not the case since Douglas has finally designed and executed an especially nice Camel complete with the caravan referencing harness, posed kneeling, just waiting for a load to carry!
Here is another simply spectacular Fox from Hansa! This one happens to be a South African Bat-eared Fox, so it resides in our African Habitat. Those "bat-ears" are crucial for survival as this fox hunts for small prey below the surface of the ground which it detects by directing those ears to listen very carefully! We are so impressed with the craftsmanship employed to go from portraying that tail composed of lush fluffy plush to the finely trimmed detail of the muzzle and face (and everything in between!) of this exquisitely rendered creature!
All of our other Hedgehogs (and we just got in a good number of new ones!) are currently residing in our Northern Hemisphere Temperate Forest Habitat, as one would expect European Hedgehogs to be about! However, given that Hansa tells us that this small but precisely intense creature is an AFRICAN Pigmy Hedgehog, you will find him in that Habitat, along with the Bat-eared Fox and Dromedary Camel! Sporting a crest of fur vaguely reminding us of a carefully coiffed Mohawk hairstyle, the purposefulness of his expression could have us believe he is about to step up to the podium on those tiny little feet and expound authoritatively about some subject on which his well-versed expertise deserves to be paid attention!
This unabashedly lushly handsome 22" long (without the tail!) adult male Lion is NEW from Douglas. Matching the quality standards of everything else in the Douglas line of plush, including its elegant tactile appeal (it is every bit as soft as it looks!), we WISH this company would make more wild animals, especially when they would all be this nice! We will have to be content with loving their dogs, cats, horses, barnyard and fantasy creatures--and count our blessings when they do occasionally surprise us and drop something as lovely as this lion into their collection! Thankfully, we have an African habitat to accommodate him!
Who, other than Hansa, would expend such loving craftsmanship to portray a creature as gnarly as this remarkably accurately rendered Vulture? Obviously they believe--and we agree--that every creature holds an place of honor within Nature and deserves to be so respectfully presented. We have to admit that this is one of our favorite Hansa pieces--and we are very pleased to welcome it back to our African Habitat, a place decidedly less than complete without it!
This adorable little squirrel-sized primate just joining our African Habitat from Hansa is known as a Bush Baby, partly due to its diminutive size, but also for its huge eyes and rather plaintive cries, like those of a small child. It is rendered in the same kind of exquisite detail as larger pieces made by the artisans at Hansa, edging into the realm of sculpture as much as "toy"--but one you can hold in your hand and even stroke or cuddle its soft "fur"!
Do we happen to have any Cheetahs in our African Habitat?
The disappointing answer to this fairly common question (about a creature that can be surprisingly uncommon to find in plush versions) at our shop was, up until the end of December, "Right now we have exactly zero Cheetahs"...
Obviously this situation has changed--for the waaay better!
In fact, one reason we temporarily "forgot" to order Tigers was because we were SO excited about all the new Cheetahs we were finding that we had to add to this popular area! If you love Cheetahs you simply must check out all of these awesome plush renditions just added to our African Habitat!
Now that we've restocked all our favorites plus added the recently described "newbies" (note the special little area just for Flamingos!) our African Habitat is back to an "acceptable" level of choices! Come check it out!
Since we've shown you all the new and restocked "stuff" in our African Habitat, it's time to move over to our Asian Habitat right next door!
Before we get to inhabitants of the main Asian continent we want to draw your attention to the Asian Habitat shelves closest to our African area (just left of the Flamingos!) to find some interesting creatures from places like the Southeast Asian Islands and Madagascar! The latter is where to find Lemurs like this pair to draw to, a Red-ruffed and a Sifaka Lemur, both new to us. They will soon (we hope!) be joined by a returning Ring-tailed Lemur, currently on back-order from Wild Republic!
This adorable munchkin of a creature comes to us from Hansa (you could tell, right?) and is a Baby Tarsier! The adult version was out of stock when we ordered, but even this 6" tall incarnation has a head you can swivel! Rather than inhabiting the main Asian continent, species of Tarsiers are found on the Southeast Asian Islands of Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines. Nocturnal primates in their own family, Tarsiers are the only entirely carnivorous group of living primates, dining mostly on insects and spiders with an occasional small bird, lizard or bat also included in their diets, although Tarsiers can in turn fall as prey to any of the latter three! Those big eyes that give Tarsiers an edge while hunting at night also contribute significantly to their extreme cuteness quotient...
There are a number of different species of diminutive Old World Monkeys found mostly in Southeast Asia, including portions of India and China within that region, peninsular areas of Malaysia, Myanmar and Thailand, and/or Sumatra and Borneo that are commonly called Leaf Monkeys. They are typically arboreal and earn their common appellation from the main component of their diets. We are pleased to welcome this little little 7" portrait from Hansa of a generic version of this too-cute-for-words primate back to our shelves!
It may be hard to wrap one's head around, but this large nocturnal tree-dwelling primate fills the ecological niche on the island of Madagascar that Woodpeckers fill almost everywhere else! The Aye-aye is a lemur that hunts using a method known as percussive foraging, first tapping on tree trunks or limbs to find grubs and then harvesting them by gnawing an access hole with its sharp teeth and extracting them with a specialized long finger to consume them! Like those of many rodents, the Aye-aye's teeth continue to grow indefinitely, so it needs to grind them down chewing through tree bark on its way to prey!
Asia is home of one of the most famous and fantastically beautiful birds in the world and we just added FOUR NEW plush versions to our Peacock collection, one each from Hansa, Douglas, Folkmanis and Aurora (that's not counting one from Wild Republic that was previously holding down the space alone and another fantasmagorical one soon to arrive from Ganz)! We are so impressed with how wonderfully each manufacturer has rendered its Peacock--and how different each one is from the other!
Looking at the attention to detail on this rendition of a Pallas' Kitten, a diminutive feline endemic to, but widely distributed within the montane shrublands and grasslands of Central Asia, we are stunned at how closely the artisans at Hansa have matched its specific features as described by Wikipedia,
"The Pallas's cat's fur is light grey with pale yellowish-ochre or pale yellowish-reddish hues. Its forehead and top of the head is light grey with small black spots. It has two black zigzag lines on the cheeks running from the corner of the eyes to the jaw joints, and five to seven dark transversal lines across the lower back. Some hair tips are white and some blackish. Its chin, whiskers, lower and upper lips are white. The underfur is 40 mm (1.6 in) long and 19 μm (0.00075 in) thick, and the guard hairs up to 69 mm (2.7 in) long and 93 μm (0.0037 in) thick on the back. Its fur is soft and dense with up to 9000 hairs per cm2 (58,000/in2). Its eyes are encircled by white. Its iris is yellowish, and its pupils contract to small circular slits in sunlight. Its ears are grey with a yellowish tinge on the back and a darker rim, but with whitish hair in front and in the ear pinnae. Its rounded ears are set low on the side, so that it can peer over an object and show only a relatively small part of the head above the eyes without depressing the ears. This gives its face a look of ferocity and unrest. It has narrow black stripes on the back, and its grey tail has seven narrow black rings and a black tip..."
That, plus it is about as cute as a bug!
If the markings on this plush rendition of what is obviously not a domestic cat don't seem to be consistent with those you might recognize as belonging to regular Leopards, Cheetahs, Jaguars or the like, it is because this represents none of the above! In fact the markings on this wild cat are so distinctive, that its common name is derived directly from their unique appearance! This is a "Clouded Leopard", a wild cat inhabiting dense forests from the foothills of the Himalayas through mainland Southeast Asia into southern China. Clouded Leopards are solitary cats that exhibit advanced climbing skills useful for a largely arboreal existence, although they do spend time hunting on the ground at night when they are most active, preying upon medium sized vertebrates (e.g., the size of pangolins, binturongs, pheasants, small deer and the like). Per Wikipedia, "Its head-and-body length ranges from 68.6 to 108 cm (27.0 to 42.5 in) with a 61 to 91 cm (24 to 36 in) long tail. It uses its tail for balancing when moving in trees and is able to climb down vertical tree trunks head first."
We used to be able to obtain a nicely positioned, laying Clouded Leopard from Fiesta that is no longer available so are happy to see this one appear in Wild Republic's collection. In fact the fur pattern and texture on this version may be the more luxuriant!
Our Asian Habitat would be sadly lacking without Pandas--and betcha we couldn't order just one style, either! So we ended up with a lovely, fluffy PILE 'o' Pandas, of course! There's one from Ganz, one form Wild Republic and a couple of different ones from Douglas! Now making a choice among them is YOUR "problem"!
Lest those reptile-lovers out there think we are ignoring you, allow us to reassure you that we are VERY pleased to present not only one, but two different plush interpretations of a snake well-known as a denizen of places in Asia--and are delighted that BOTH the Wild Republic (left) and the Aurora Myoni (right) artisans used a few strategically placed stitches to position their Cobra coiled and ready to strike with its hood famously flared!
We got so excited to find so many of our manufacturers making awesome Cheetahs that we forgot to check our inventory of Tigers while ordering just before Christmas--and as it turns out we needed some of those! So we have meanwhile remedied that situation!
And if, as we must, we are going to have traditional orange Tigers in our Asian Habitat, it is simply de rigueur to have a few in White as well! That big one is every bit as lush and fluffy as the image would imply (its smaller compatriot is silky smooth and also eminently huggable, too)!
We can hardly call our Asian Habitat complete without representing the OTHER big Cat besides the Tiger, this one famous for its solitary existence in the icy cold extreme altitudes of the Himalayan Mountains! The only way we could get a naturally posed, laying down, counter-positioned version from Wild Republic at this time was to go with the JUMBO size shown here! This magnificent Snow Leopard's body is about two feet in length (and is as soft as a pillow--which you could use it as!)--and its big fluffy tail is nearly as long! It takes up an entire shelf unto itself, although, having no choice, we've managed to jam another plush piece or two on and around it...
And the grand finale of new additions to our Asian Habitat is...the Hansa Snow Leopard (just LOOK at that face--need we say more?)!!
Our newly restocked Asian Habitat has entire shelves full of Tigers, White Tigers and Snow Leopards with plenty of additional critters from Peacocks to Pandas stacked on and around them!
In moving on to describe refilling our Australian Habitat, we feel so fortunate to have Bocchetta Plush Toys, actually based right there on the continent in question, as an awesome resource for plush representations of some of the renowned and unusual denizens of this unique spot of real estate on our planet! Separated from other land masses for eons, most of Australia's land mammals evolved as monotremes or marsupials rather than as the familiar placental mammals filling similar niches everywhere else on earth! The Kangaroo is, of course, one of the more famous members of the marsupial group--and even though American companies can provide perfectly fine examples, we had to restock this magnificent rendition designed by artists who, living with them on a daily basis, most genuinely appreciate and accurately render their special, distinguished features!
One of our favorite reasons for having found Bocchetta Plush Toys from Australia is that they make a beautiful and altogether accurate, reasonably sized and priced Tasmanian Devil! Our only other current source for this famous critter from Down-under is Hansa; of course their piece is gorgeous, but also big at almost life-sized, with a matching Hansa price-tag, all of which is moot at this moment because Tasmanian Devils are out of stock/on back-order right now at Hansa. Thankfully, this one will serve as a perfectly fine, maybe even better, alternative choice for now--and alongside the Hansa one when it next becomes available!
OK--so almost everyone knows what a WOMbat is, but what about a NUMbat? This is one of the Australian critters we knew nothing about until we discovered it in the Bocchetta catalog! Turns out, although of course a marsupial (it evolved in Australia!), this mostly solitary creature is not closely related to other marsupials and is, unusual for this group, fully active in the daytime, rather than at night. It's mouth and tongue are adapted to efficiently slurp up its almost exclusive diet of termites, up to 20,000 a day for an adult, but because of its relatively small size and lack of strong claws for digging it must make inroads on the weakest parts of termite colony structures, usually shallow and unfortified underground galleries that termites construct between the main concrete-hard nest mound and their feeding sites and must hunt them when the termites are active and can be detected by the Numbat's strong sense of smell!
Although similar in name and also a marsupial, this Australian "Brushtail Possum" is more distantly related to our American Opossum than it is to kangaroos and other Australian pouch-incubating mammals! It is also mainly nocturnal, but dining more on plant leaves, including eucalyptus, than on smaller animals, although an occasional insect, bird egg and/or chick or other small vertebrate can be an acceptable addition to its diet. Like our opossums that have become accustomed to human habitation, per Wikipedia, "common brushtails are inventive and determined foragers with a liking for fruit trees, vegetable gardens, and kitchen raids". Not generally rendered in plush by our regular US vendors, this specimen is another welcome addition to our Australian Habitat from Bocchetta Plush Toys!
Here are a couple of versions of an Australian animal you may actually have heard of before! The Frilled Lizard is probably one of Australia's most famous reptiles and we were especially pleased to receive not only the rendition of one by Bocchetta (left) who is based on the continent and SHOULD be familiar with this critter, but also a full-body Puppet design from Folkmanis. If you are sufficiently coordinated (and have large enough hands to reach it), the puppet has an air bladder in its tail that allows the operator to actually puff air into the frilled collar to inflate it!
Although the Australian Quokka is reminiscent of cute western hemisphere rodents like Prairie Dogs or even certain rats, it is a marsupial relative of kangaroos and wallabies, although in its own separate genus. Only cat-sized itself, it can be preyed upon by introduced domestic cats, dogs and red foxes and due to such predation and significant loss of suitable habitat has become ecologically vulnerable. A nocturnal herbivore, the Quokka is able to climb small trees and bushes to reach leaves to munch on, but also eats grasses, sedges and other vegetation which it partially chews and swallows to regurgitate and chew as cud much like cows!
Here is another Australian marsupial (of course) that we had never heard of until we looked at Bocchetta's catolog! Unlike the Quokka, the various species of quolls are carnivorous. Per Wikipedia, "Quolls eat smaller mammals, small birds, lizards, and insects. Their natural lifespan is between two and five years. All species have drastically declined in numbers since Australasia was colonized by Europeans, with one species, the eastern Quoll, becoming extinct on the Australian mainland, now found only in Tasmania. Major threats to their survival include the cane toad, predators such as feral cats and foxes, urban development, and poison baiting. Conservation efforts include breeding programs in captivity, one of which is taking place in Tasmania with support from Rewilding Australia and Conjour.
Ah--at last an Australian animal besides a Kangaroo that you might even recognize--or at least have heard of! Being in Australia, Bocchetta Plush Toys would be expected to offer some Wombat choices and we picked out the two supporting this pile 'o' Wombats from them! Obviously, a little different in size there are a few additional subtle differences as well (eye and feet treatments); the Wombat on the top of this heap comes to us from Douglas and varies from the other two! Our really, really favorite Wombat is made by Hansa, but it is currently out of stock--it is also considerably more expensive than any of these--and we are happy to offer these alternative choices in our Wombat selection!
OK, OK--we do know that Kiwi Birds are not Australian, but rather, from New Zealand! However, Australia is the closest continent and doesn't boast enough indigenous animals to fill an entire habitat of its own, so much like Madagascar critters hanging out with those from Africa, our Kiwi(s) will be found in our Australian Habitat!
This one is, much to our surprise, from Aurora, a manufacturer who doesn't usually stray too far from the common and well-known creatures of land and sea for inspiration for their plush creations. We suspect one of their designers got their hands on some of this extra-fancy Luxe fabric and realized it would be the perfect thing of which to construct a Kiwi Bird, with the long, color-tipped fibers looking so much like the fine, needle-like feathers these flightless birds sport instead of flight feathers! We couldn't agree more!
Here is our Australian Habitat, updated with lots of interesting new pieces from Bocchetta, our supplier right there on that continent, among others of our awesome vendors, for 2021!
Moving out of our Australian Habitat, we're going to let these three shimmery Mermaids be our introduction to all the NEW ADDITIONS to our Sea Life Collection! We love how the multiple shiny fabrics of each costume compliment the beautiful skin-tones of each Mermaid and although all are different, each adds a a watery sparkle reflecting the marine habitat of these Sea Ladies!
If you know anything about us at all, it should be that when it comes to choosing stuffed animals for our shop we are ALWAYS attracted to the unusual and possibly even the strangest, so when we saw this pair of exotic fish appear in the Ganz catalog we HAD to have them! Ganz isn't even a company we would have expected to spend the time to get something as weird as the Lion Fish and the deep sea Black Seadevil, complete with its fishing line/lure to help attract unsuspecting prey near enough for it to grab, realistically correct (we expect them to provide us, rather, with awesome-cute Teddy Bears, Cats and maybe Puppies!), but we think they did a "fantastic" job with both of these designs!
So, speaking of exotic, we knew the moment we saw this fantasmagorical Sea Serpent appear alongside Dragons in the Douglas collection of fantasy creatures that we would need to add it to our Ocean Habitat! We love how it curves like the waves and how its scales have such a watery shimmer!
Just in case the Sea Serpent from Douglas is not complicated enough for you, we also have a slightly more over-the-top one from Folkmanis! Being from Folkmanis makes it, by definition, a Puppet so its motion in water need not be suggested merely by shiny scales, but you can fully animate its motion by moving BOTH its head and tail
Now that we have several to choose from you absolutely "otter" come check out our new collection of Sea Otters! We also have an even bigger collection of River Otters to rival these, but that's entirely different Habitat!
Do we have any Narwhals? Of course we do!
'The big smooth one with the printed dapple detailing comes to us from Wild Republic and the smaller, fluffy-huggy one is a Douglas creation, so it is soft, soft, soft!
We love Folkmanis, not only because all of their full-body plush pieces are puppets that you can either just display or fully animate, but mainly because they make creatures nobody else even thinks to try! Here is one example we haven't seen from any other plush supplier, a Giant Claim--with an equally unique dose of personality to accompany its unique form!
Here is another creature bringing some exceptional "character" to our Ocean Habitat, also from Folkmanis! The body and legs are accessible for animation by the hand of a puppeteer--or the entire Crab can be pulled back into its shell, just like any realistic Hermit Crab would need to be able to do!
Even though we already had a standard Dolphin or two in our Ocean Habitat we had to add this unusual Vaquita Porpoise from Fiesta! Limited to a tiny region in the north end of the Gulf of California with their population numbering at just around 60 individuals, Vaquita Porpoises are currently the most endangered mammal on earth. With Vaquitas being unintentionally caught during fishing operations, those activities have been suspended in its range in order to hopefully rescue the species. The distinctive facial markings, dark circles ringing each eye, have given the Vaquita Porpoise the nick-name, "Panda of the Seas"; these markings and the beaklike structure of the Vaquita's mouth are unique identifiers for this porpoise.
This smallish (17" across, stretched out), but luminous textured velvet and velour Octopus in colors to match the Sea comes to us From Douglas , so you know it also FEELS as awesome as it looks!
It has been quite some time since we have had Douglas's cute and colorful little Blue Crab in store, but it was about time to welcome it back to our Ocean Habitat! It's there now, waiting to be appreciated once again--just for you and all of your "crabby" friends...!
We were delighted to find this adorable little Puffer Fish in the Wild Republic catalog! This is the diminutive species of which the male carves out a huge and elaborate nest on the sandy sea floor to attract a mate only to have it swept relentlessly away by the waves once this goal is accomplished! It has been featured for this feat on at least one PBS Nature program recently--and it's hard to comprehend how such a little fish keeps track of such a massive design and actually maintains its symmetry long enough for any female to notice! Of course, we suppose it COULD just be that cute little smiley face that ultimately attracts the right girl...? We certainly hopes it attracts you to our Ocean Habitat!
Be sure to visit our Ocean Habitat, newly restocked for 2021!
And moving on to our newly restocked Forest habitat...
We are pleased to offer no less than three designs of plush Great-horned Owls now residing in our Forest Habitat! Bottom left is the Wild Republic version, on the right is the one from Douglas and overseeing both of those is the majestic Puppet Great-horned Owl from Folkmanis with a head you can swivel and eyes that can blink!
Leave it to Douglas to be the first of our plush suppliers to provide us with a Great GRAY Owl! This imposing creature has been missing from the collection of Barn Owls and Great-horned Owls and we are happy to welcome it to our Forest Habitat!
Here is a great example of why we love to be able to present the same animal in plush from different suppliers! Both of these are relatively accurate renditions of a Red-tailed Hawk, each portrayed handsomely, but with specific traits accented quite differently by their respective designers! Having both in this case also provides alternative size options for different spaces as well. On the left is the version from Douglas, accompanied on the right by the one by Wild Republic.
No Forest Habitat would be complete without representatives from one of its most iconic groups of residents, SQUIRRELS! And we have a good collection to choose from, including a couple of exquisitely detailed and complex renditions from Hansa (sitting on the wooden block), as well as simpler and differently sized versions in a variety of typical squirrel colors!
We got so excited to show you all the Squirrels in our Forest habitat we almost forgot to share this iconic Bird of Prey we are delighted to add to our collection! This elegantly rendered Peregrine Falcon is new from Douglas, the only supplier we are aware of who can even supply one as a plush piece and, as usual they got it right in all its regal detail while managing to keep it soft and huggable!
So, if we're going to have Squirrels in our forest, we have to also have Chipmunks! Both of these are adorably cute and detailed, albeit it to wildly different degrees. The one on the left, being a little sculpture from Hansa, is about twice the cost ($27) of the sweetly huggable Douglas version (not at all bad at about $13) on the right. We're all about providing you with choices, right? Here we have a couple of nice ones you can easily discern but not necessarily DECIDE between!
Another iconic and well-known wild forest (and increasingly urban) critter is the Raccoon! Meet our scurrilous crew of masked Bandits, each of which looks like its very own brand of mischief, all now residing in our Forest Habitat!
If one Hedgehog is cute and fun, more must be better--so we HAVE MORE! All of these are adorable and offer choices as to size and price (and expression!), but the coolest one is the hand-puppet (top left on the box) because, not only does it have an opening for the puppeteer to insert a hand to animate it, but it also has a second opening at its base that allows it to be turned completely inside-out-into a ball--just like the ones Alice in Wonderland got to smack while playing croquet with the Queen!
Moose were unacceptably absent from our Forest habitat until recently, but now we have these three distinctive choices! Gotta LOVE the schozz on that mush-soft lay-down guy in front made by Douglas in that fabulous D-Lux fabric!